Ejercicios.....The time

 Elige la mejor respuesta para decir la hora entre las opciones que aparecen a continuación de la hora.

  1. 16:30
    a.half before four      b.half to four     c.half past four     d.half after five
  2. 11:59
    a.fifty-nine before eleven     b.one to twelve     c.one to eleven     d.fifty-nine past twelve
  3. 12:00
    a.noon     b.twelve in the evening     c.twelve in the morning     d.twelve o’clock
  4. 7:45
    a.forty-five past eight     b.quarter to eight     c.quarter to seven     d.quarter after eight
  5. 21:15
    a.quarter before nine     b.quarter past nine     c.quarter after ten     d.quarter past ten
  6. 00:00
    a.midday     b.noon     c.midnight     d.twelve in the evening

Solución: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 b, 6 c

Lee la hora tanto con la forma clásica como la digital.

  1. 3:56 ______________
  2. 4:15 ______________
  3. 6:30 ______________
  4. 7:15 ______________
  5. 8:45 ______________
  6. 9:59 ______________

Solución: 1 three fifty-six/four minutes to four, 2 four fifteen/a quarter past four, 3 six thirty/half past six, 4 seven fifteen/a quarter past seven, 5 eight forty-five/a quarter to nine, 6 nine fifty-nine/one minute to ten

Ejercicio Speaking

  1. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
  2. Can you tell me what time you go to work/class?
  3. What time does your work/class begin?
  4. And what time does your work/class end?
  5. Without being specific, what time do you have breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
  6. What time do you get home after work/class?