Muchas frases. Complete present continuous


Ejercicios con Presente Continuo: afirmaciones

Pon la forma correcta del verbo to be y el gerundio en los blancos.

  1. Tina ___________ ___________ water. (drink)
  2. They ___________ __________ to France. (travel)
  3. Fred ___________ ___________ a pie. (eat)
  4. The weather ___________ always ______. (change)
  5. She ___________ ___________ pasta. (cook)
  6. It ___________ __________ outside. (rain)
  7. The lady ___________ __________ for the bus. (wait)
  8. I ___________ __________ my aunt. (visit)
  9. It ___________ ___________ cold outside. (freeze).
  10. Jack and Jill ___________ _________ up the hill. (climb)
  11. Mom ___________ ___________ out to buy some groceries. (go)
  12. The little girl ___________ ___________ the newspaper. (tear)
  13. Nadal ___________ ___________ the match. (win)
  14. Janet ___________ ___________ tea. (have)
  15. The thief ___________ ___________ behind the bushes. (hide)
  16. The sun ___________ ___________ brightly. (shine)
  17. The birds ___________ ___________. (fly)
  18. Gina’s son ___________ ___________ his cat with a blanket. (cover)
  19. I ___________ ___________ a letter. (write)
  20. I ___________ __________ some eggs to make an omelette. (beat)

Y aquí las respuestas a la segunda parte…

El presente continuo en las respuestas va en negrita. ¿Cuántos has hecho correctamente?

  1. Tina is drinking water.
  2. They are travelling to France.
  3. Fred is eating a pie.
  4. The weather is always changing.
  5. She is cooking pasta.
  6. It is raining outside.
  7. The lady is waiting for the bus.
  8. am visiting my aunt.
  9. It is freezing cold outside.
  10. Jack and Jill are climbing up the hill.
  11. Mom is going out to buy groceries.
  12. The little girl is tearing the newspaper.
  13. Nadal is winning the match.
  14. Janet is having tea.
  15. The thief is hiding behind the bushes.
  16. The sun is shining brightly.
  17. The birds are flying.
  18. Gina’s son is covering his cat with a blanket.
  19. am writing a letter
  20. am beating some eggs to make an omelette.

Ejercicios con preguntas en presente continuo

Lo mismo de antes: pon la forma correcta del verbo to be (según la persona) y también el gerundio en las siguientes frases.

  1. __________ it ________ ? (rain)
  2. __________ he ________ ? (smoke)
  3. __________ the birds __________ ? (chirp)
  4. __________ I __________? (dream)
  5. __________ the wind ___________ ? (blow)
  6. __________ the plants __________? (grow)
  7. __________ the computer __________ the data? (process)
  8. __________ we __________ now? (leave)
  9. __________ the wood ___________? (burn)
  10. __________ the kids ___________ ? (play)
  11. __________ they _________ their promise? (keep)
  12. __________ I __________? (blush)
  13. __________ the water __________? (boil)
  14. __________ the apple __________ in the basket ? (rot)
  15. __________ the clock __________? (tick)
  16. __________ your phone ____________? (ring)
  17. __________ your clothes __________ in the rain? (soak)
  18. __________ Bill ____________? (shower)
  19. __________ he __________ on her? (cheat)
  20. __________ the bank ___________? (close)

Respuestas al ejercicio de preguntas en presente continuo

  1. Is it raining?
  2. Is he smoking?
  3. Are the birds chirping?
  4. Am I dreaming?
  5. Is the wind blowing?
  6. Are the plants growing?
  7. Is the computer processing the data?
  8. Are we leaving now?
  9. Is the wood burning?
  10. Are the kids playing?
  11. Are they keeping their promise?
  12. Am I blushing?
  13. Is the water boiling?
  14. Is the apple rotting in the basket?
  15. Is the clock ticking?
  16. Is your phone ringing?
  17. Are your clothes soaking in the rain?
  18. Is Bill showering?
  19. Is he cheating on her?
  20. Is the bank closing?

Más ejercicios de formar preguntas en presente continuo

Aquí tenemos un poco más de información en las preguntas: un who, what, where, etc o bien algo como how much o how many.

Fíjate que la gramática del presente continuo no cambia para nada cuando añadimos palabras extras. Sigue siendo las mismas formas de los verbos.

Haz una pregunta usando la forma del verbo to be y el gerundio del verbo en paréntesis.

  1. What __________  you __________ (cook) dinner?
  2. Why__________ she __________ (fry) fish ?
  3. Why__________ they __________ (run) ?
  4. How much __________ I __________ (sweat)?
  5. _________ Will _______ (scare) the kids?
  6. _________ David __________ (drink) a milkshake?
  7. Where__________ the birds __________ (build) their nest?
  8. __________ they __________ (hold) hands?
  9. __________ Adam __________ (live) in Colombia?
  10. What movie __________ Mindy and Peter __________ (go) to see?
  11. Where __________ they _________ (learn) Italian?
  12. Why __________ the dog _________(wag) his tail?
  13. __________ I really ___________ (move) the couch?
  14. Why __________ Paul ___________ (weave) a basket?
  15. __________ George and Tony _________ (wear) the same shirt?
  16. __________ you _________ (think) about food?
  17. __________ the lions __________ (hunt) the deer?
  18. Why __________ Karen ________ (saw) wood?
  19. How much __________ you ___________ (pay) for my dinner?
  20. How many sandwiches __________ you __________ (make) for lunch?

Respuestas en presente continuo

Las formas de los verbos están aquí en negrita.

  1. What are you cooking for dinner?
  2. Why is she frying fish?
  3. Why are they running?
  4. How much am sweating?
  5. Is Will scaring the kids?
  6. Is David drinking a milkshake?
  7. Where are the birds building their nest?
  8. Are they holding hands?
  9. Is Adam living in Colombia?
  10. What movie are Mindy and Peter going to see?
  11. Where are they learning Italian?
  12. Why is the dog wagging his tail?
  13. Am I really moving the couch?
  14. Why is Paul weaving a basket?
  15. Are George and Tony wearing the same shirt?
  16. Are you thinking about food?
  17. Are the lions hunting the deer?
  18. Why is Karen sawing wood?
  19. How much are you paying for my dinner?
  20. How many sandwiches are you making for lunch?

En fin… Espero que te hayan gustado los ejercicios.